There have been many years of advocacy on the part of parents and finally, the city of New York is piloting a dyslexia screening tool. This is going to take place at two different schools in Brooklyn. The initiative is in hopes that there will be specialized help for kids that are having problems with dyslexia. The traditional learning and classroom setting can be problematic when it comes to dyslexia, so special intervention is needed for them.

A New Kind Of Screening

The Department of Education will for the first time screen entire grades for students who are at risk of dyslexia, as part of a trial-run that got underway this week at two Brooklyn elementary schools, officials told THE CITY.

Key Takeaways:

The screening tool is meant to help students who have dyslexia.
The screener will figure out the needs of the kid with dyslexia.
There are a lot of options out there for kids that have dyslexia.

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