Wouldn’t it be great if someone could find something that would help children with dyslexia? Unfortunately, children with dyslexia find learning to read a very difficult task. Researchers have recently started using a very mild electrical current to try and combat children’s dyslexia and help them on their way to becoming great readers.

A controversial study from Rome says electric current therapy (no, not electric-shock therapy) could cure your child’s dyslexia.
~Miriam Stoppard

Mild electrical current therapy may help children with dyslexia read.

Can you imagine, being a child, wanting to learn to read like your peers, and then realizing that there was something different about you from your peers that makes it many times more difficult to learn how to read? This article is very happy news that gives children, parents and teachers hope for a happier future.

Key Takeaways:

An experiment of small electric currents to the scalp may have opened a door that heads towards a cure for dyslexia.
This study is being conducted in Rome and it’s included a 50% reduction in errors pertaining to certain reading exams.
Although this study is controversial, some British parents are already signing their children up for the experiment.

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