It is great news that there is continued research being done about dyslexia. In this article, they focused on the functions of the left and right brain. It is in this research that they discovered that people who have dyslexia can read better when they use the right brain strategies. The research showed that dyslexics performed better when the right hemisphere is used in their thought processes.
Teaching dyslexic children to read with alternative strategies focused on their “right brain” can be much more successful than traditional strategies.
With this new information, it can help in the issues that dyslexic people face in their lives. There will be new discoveries about how the brain works in aiding people with dyslexia and this is what is important.
Key Takeaways:
Right brain strategies could be the key to helping people read better. Dyslexics read better with right brain strategies once they are used as needed.
New research is centered around Dyslexia and how it could affect many lives out there. Right brain strategies is a new concept that has captured attention in many circles.
Dyslexic participants tend to perform better while under certain circumstances in research. People want to make the most out of right brain strategies when they are approved.
Read the full article here:
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