Bolaji Oyejide has created a series of books aimed at young children, which features superheroes who have conditions like dyslexia, asthma, and more. He was inspired to write the book because he was a shy child who came out of his shell after reading books about superheroes. He changed from a career in computer science to an author after his wife encouraged him to write books for his children, and the books are helping to teach children that everyone is special.

Finding Inner Hero

Called Brave Young Heroes, the books feature underdog kids who overcome conditions such as autism, anxiety, asthma, dyslexia, homelessness, and obesity.

Key Takeaways:

One author is writing books about superheroes with various conditions.
The author was inspired by his experiences reading superhero comics as an introverted kid.
He wants to use the books to teach his chilren important life lessons.

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