In this video, Drs. Douglas and Lucie Curtiss share their thoughts and give advice on overcoming dyslexia. While the disorder can be tough to overcome, the methods for dealing with it aren't terribly complex. One of the most important ways for dyslexics to overcome their disorder is to simply find out what they're good at, and focus on developing and using those talents rather than the ones dyslexia restricts. Focusing on the good things can help dyslexics remain happy and healthy.

They also advise dyslexics to find out what areas they specifically struggle with, and to look for tools that will help overome those difficulties. They recommend that people with dyslexia accept what they can’t fix, and instead try to delegate things they struggle with other people, or use assistive technology that can mediate the problems. By focusing on the positive and being open to help from others, anyone can overome their dyslexia.

Perseverance, grit, the desire to keep going -- they're built up by small successes that develop into larger ones.
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"We're not saying you have to fix everything, we're just saying do what you can to have a better quality of life and enjoy it." - Lucie Curtiss,RN

Key Takeaways:

Dr. Douglas Curtiss and Lucie Curtiss share their thoughts about overcoming dyslexia. First, find out what you're good at and focus in developing and using those talents
Second, find out what areas you struggle with, look for help to improve on those difficulties
Third, for other learning difficulties that you can't really learn, you can either delegate them to others who are good at it or use assistive technology to help you with it

Overcoming Dyslexia...Is It Really Possible?

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Do You Need help with a Learning Difficulty?

Our simple online analysis will help you get to the core of the problem and find the right solution for you.

Understanding how to help someone with a learning difficulty starts with understanding which micro-skills are affected. When you learn which of the micro-skills is the problem, you will then be on your way to solving it.

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