On SA Live, Rafael Scarnati speaks about the documentary, Embracing Dyslexia. The documentary utilizes interviews with those who have dyslexia to paint a picture of personal experiences with challenges associated with the condition. The documentary provides a clear view of what dyslexics face daily as they strive for improvement and success.
The most important message that Scarnati conveys in the interview is the need to recognize the signs of dyslexia so that it can be properly diagnosed. The earlier a child with dyslexia is diagnosed, the better equipped that child will be in facing challenges with language and reading. Without proper intervention, those with dyslexia will struggle unnecessarily.
Author When parents see their children struggle with reading, they reach out and attend free events.

Key Takeaways:

Rafael Scarnati highlights the indicators that parents should look for when screening their own children for dyslexia.
Scarnati emphasizes that recognition is one of the most important steps in helping children with this condition.
Scarnait and the show host also discuss a documentary that chronicles dyslexics and the challenges they face in their daily lives.

Rafael Scarnati talks about Embracing Dyslexia on SA Live

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