One study is suggesting that brain stimulation can reduce Dyslexia. The study is providing some hope to people who have Dyslexia today. Both adults and young people can be afflicted by Dyslexia over time. That affects their studies and their ability to perform on the job. Many people hope to see an end to Dyslexia in the near future as well. The research is showing some positive signs with regards to the treatments now available.

Reducing Issues With Dyslexia

Neuroscientists from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) have demonstrated, in a study published in Plos Biology, a causal relationship between brain oscillations at a specific frequency (30 Hz) and the ability to process phonemes that is essential for reading.

Key Takeaways:

Some kids have extreme difficulties when they are learning to read as kids.
A stimulation exercise helped out a lot of kids who had issues.
Non-invasive techniques are being used to help treats kids with disabilities.

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