There are many myths floating around the world of dyslexia and the "reversal thing" is one of them. Many people believe in this idea but it is not true and it gets in the way of actual understanding when it comes to dyslexia. Dyslexia is a neurobiological condition and there is nothing in the definition that references a reversal of any kind. If you take reversal out of it, you understand dyslexia as a reading inefficiency.

Dyslexia Myths

I think it’s ok, though, as I keep hearing the same themes brought to me to me by parents and professionals about topics around dyslexia, reading struggles, ADD and anything related to the topic of school struggling.

Key Takeaways:

One way to think about dyslexia is as a reading deficiency.
There are favored myths that people have when it comes to dyslexia.
The "reversal thing" ideology is embedded in our culture.

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