The "Charlotte Mason Method" is a specific teaching method parents can use to help their children with dyslexia. This video describes the method, which suggests that parents read books to children well into elementary school -- often at around age 10, but the age is not as important as the readiness of the child. Though children should be encouraged to read on their own, parents should also continue to read aloud to them until their reading skills improve. 

To encourage better oral narrations, parents may want to stick to shorter passages. Some children may simply have trouble retaining longer passages, so breaking them up could greatly help. Shafer also recommends giving children one or two key words to listen for, and include them in their narration. The Charlotte Mason Method can also be used in other subjects, such as math, art, scripture, picture study, music study, and even singing.

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A Charlotte Mason education includes a wide variety of subjects not just the book ones be sure to give him plenty of other experiences that don't depend on reading - picture study, music study, handcrafts, nature study, hands-on math, art, singing, scripture memory. There are lots of things you can do to feed his mind even while he continues to work on his reading skills.

Key Takeaways:

The Charlotte Mason method works well with dyslexic children because the child's learning is not dependent on his reading until he is ready.
Parents are encouraged to read aloud books to their dyslexic children until their independent reading catches up.
Read shorter passages instead of giving the child too much material at once.

SCM Answers Your Questions: CM and Dyslexia

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