Dyslexia is a language-based learning syndrome. Some characteristics of dyslexia include a child who starts talking at a late age, difficulties with counting and rhyming, following directions and pronouncing words. These are just a few things you will learn at the dyslexia center, where a simulation is being conducted.

The Children’s Dyslexia Center says the characteristics of dyslexia include a lateness with learning to talk; difficulties pronouncing words, following directions, identifying or making words, counting or rhyming; slow reading; and increased spelling mistakes.
~Elizabeth Dohms

Not uncommon, dyslexia’s symptoms can be spotted before a child begins school.

You might be shocked if you knew how many people are dyslexics. Approximately 20 percent of people are affected by dyslexia, which is an inherited trait. Dyslexia is a hidden affliction and it is something that most parents aren’t aware of until their child start putting pen to paper. It costs an average of $5,000 per child each year to tutor a child with dyslexia.

Key Takeaways:

There are many symptoms of dyslexia which cover various parts of learning including difficulty pronouncing words or identifying words.
The idea surrounding the simulation is to have the non-dyslexic person imitate the feelings someone with dyslexia goes through when learning or having to overcome issues related to their dyslexia.
The idea of the simulation works as even teachers went through the same frustrations and panic that student went through.

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Understanding how to help someone with a learning difficulty starts with understanding which micro-skills are affected. When you learn which of the micro-skills is the problem, you will then be on your way to solving it.

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