Dyslexia is a neurological and genetic issue, but it is not something for which you can take a pill to get over it. There is no cure for the learning issue. Although the effects differ for every person, dyslexia typically presents itself with difficulty reading words, spelling struggles, and language skill issues.
You would be surprised to discover one of the biggest struggles that people with dyslexia face. It is bullying. In school, a dyslexic can be put down an awful lot, especially when they have to take the time to decode a word. Many dyslexics end up dropping out of school because they’re tired of the teasing.
Key Takeaways:
This youtuber explains the kind of criticism he typically gets from people due to having dyslexia.
About 20% of people are dyslexic, he states. Yet the biggest problem that arises from it is the bullying that arises because you are different.
Dyslexia is hard because you have to decode a word on the spot then need the know how to say the word, and kids are bullied relentlessly rather than helped with their struggle. This often leads to children committing suicide or dropping out school which in turn leads to worse things for them.
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