During summer season most students do not dare to pick up a book and read. Some books are placed under the coffee table as a leveler. The lack of constant reading and engagement can cause a difficult task ahead for students. Empowering Struggling Readers has thought of a way to support kids and parents that have difficulty reading. Empowering Struggling Readers introduce presenters that show five steps to help.

With summer break on the horizon, it’s more important than ever to not only better help struggling readers in the classroom, but understand what helps them improve and want to read when they’re at home.

The five steps presented are: make it comfortable to read, provide the reader with a fidget object, create contests, different styles of reading, and a buddy system. Reading while uncomfortable can cause the reader to be distracted. A fidget object can help with anxious readers to calm their nerves. Contests make things more interesting. Different styles of reading can make it easier for the reader. The buddy system allows the group to help and support each other with reading. Empowering Struggling Readers is a support group for readers that have difficulty, and these steps can help.
With summer break on the horizon, it’s more important than ever to not only better help struggling readers in the classroom, but understand what helps them improve and want to read when they’re at home.
~eSchool News

Key Takeaways:

The summer is a great time for students to catch up or get ahead on their reading skills.
More than 10 million American students struggle to read.
Only 2.3 million of those students are identified.

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