Homeschooling often seems to require lesson plans and rigid adherence to schedules and paperwork, just like we learned in our own public grammar and high schools. But for people who do not naturally like to plan, homeschooling can still be a totally effective way to teach children without the narrow structure.
There seems to be a general assumption that if you homeschool, you must be incredibly well-organized and you must spend a good portion of your time developing lesson plans.
Focus on what the kids and you are drawn to nature and work with the curricula around that. Pull out what’s fun about a subject and find lesson plans that speak about that topic. Using enjoyment as a guide, planning follows naturally and easily. Children learn better when stimulated and academic checklists full fill that less often than something they love.
Key Takeaways:
Most people assume those parents who homeschool are well-structured and meticulously organized, but Stephanie found that if she followed her personality, it benefitted everyone more in the end.
She advises parents to start with subjects that they and their child enjoy.
Most people assume those parents who homeschool are well-structured and meticulously organized, but Stephanie found that if she followed her personality, it benefitted everyone more. She advises parents to start with subjects they and their child enjoy. She stresses that you should analyze what you think your children should know and that it’s okay to think of homeschooling as an experiment instead of a series of subjects you have to check off like a grocery list.
Read the full article here:
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