Did you know that signs of dyslexia begin to show right around the time a child begins learning to read and write? The symptoms include: having problems pronouncing words, learning to speak at an older age than most children, and struggling with rhyming words. Issues with handwriting or other fine motor skills, confusing the order of letters, and experiencing difficulty learning the connection between letters and sounds are other symptoms.
Meanwhile, slightly older children experience other signs and symptoms as well. They have trouble reading and writing. Older dyslexics might also struggle to learn a foreign language. Frustration will mount for an undiagnosed dyslexic, so it’s important to screen someone as soon as problems are noted, because it is not a lost cause and shouldn’t diminish your child’s love of learning.
Key Takeaways:
Dyslexia symptoms emerge when a child begins to read but may not become apparent until older.
These symptoms include trouble with handwriting, remembering numbers, learning a foreign language and following a sequence of directions.
Things you can do to help a child avoid the frustration resulting from dyslexia is to offer love and support and get a proper evaluation for the child.
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