Need help teaching writing to students with dyslexia? This article, written by a helpful mom with a dyslexic daughter, might just be the answer you’re looking for. And she should know- she just helped her daughter write a successful research paper for a college speech class.
“This article includes tips and advice for teaching writing to kids with dyslexia.”
The author gives us clear and concise tools to help the dyslexic student. Understanding the assignment is the first hurdle; drawing out a mind map can help to understand what’s being asked of the student as well as to organize their thoughts. The mind map is a visual representation of the project, with the main idea in the middle and the supporting details connected to it. Putting the words on paper is something else that can be hard; the author tells us to have the student dictates the paper via a parent or computer software, and to make sure to use a good spell checker. Utilizing an editing checklist to fine tune a “sloppy copy”, or rough draft, helps to practice how the final draft should look and feel. Writing courses taught online or in person can be a big help, too. The author provides several websites for this at the end of the article.
Key Takeaways:
Dyslexic students can learn to be successful readers and writers in their own way.
Parents with homeschooled students can help them cope with their dyslexia by catering assignments and curriculum to their learning style.
Technological applications exist to help dyslexic students overcome their learning differences.
Read the full article here:
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