Two brothers with Dyslexia have made the headlines for a number of reasons. Local readers were captivated by their story and want to follow along. They are using technology to manage Dyslexia and still continue in school. These brothers have made surprising progress and will help one another in school as well.

“Technology opens a new world for brothers with dyslexia.”
~Jacqueline Howard, CNN

Siblings that share struggles are proof it may be gene related.

Get to know the brothers and what they want to do with the technology that could help them cope with Dyslexia and make the grade in school. Their friends and family want to see them succeed on all levels as well. These Dyslexic brothers have inspired their peers and even captured the imagination of the news media.

Key Takeaways:

New technology has made new advances possible for people with Dyslexia. Brothers with Dyslexia have faced a number of challenges in their educational background.
These brothers with Dyslexia are an inspiration to those who use technology. Other students have taken notice and want to see them succeed over time as well.
They say that technology opens a new world for these brothers with Dyslexia. That should help these brothers advance in school whenever they can along the way.

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