Reading is the best way to learn. It is like being another world when you read different kinds of books. But for those who are struggling, reading can be difficult. There are ways to assists struggling readers to cope with reading.

Great suggestions to increase reading ability.

Rapid naming involves processing information and responding swiftly. Within the context of reading, it is needed for word retrieval, sound-symbol correspondence, automaticity, and oral reading fluency.
~International Literacy Association Daily

Key Takeaways:

Rapid naming ability involves the process of processing information and then responding to that information quickly, this can be difficult for some readers.
For a student to be able to respond quickly, there are a few tips that they can achieve by playing a game of search and say or practice in a timed repetition of activities in regards to reading.
In an attempt to make the systems work seamlessly, it would be a good idea to incorporate fun activities that challenge the reader.

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