In the United Kingdom, Dyslexia affects about 10% of the population. Visual Dyslexia, however, is an even more severe form of this condition, and makes primary school and further education very difficult. This video spotlights a handful of students with the disorder as they tell their stories of struggle and perseverance.

Jay, Lucy, and James discuss the support they recieved, and show how their accomplishments elevated their self-esteem. When students suspect they have this disorder, it's vital that they be carefully evaluated by a qualified organization early on so that help can be customized for them. Help is available from many organizations, but in the long run, it takes determination and assistance to adjust to the complications caused by dyslexia.

Perseverance, grit, the desire to keep going -- they're all built up by small successes, which slowly build to larger successes.
The learning success system is designed to create these small successes. If you're interested in doing this for your child, get the learning success system now!

"There are a lot of misinterpretations about dyslexia. People think you can't read, you can't spell, and that we're stupid, which is not true. It's not anything to do with intelligence, it's just that we only learn differently."

Key Takeaways:

Jay, a young dyslexic, suffers from visual dyslexia,one of the more severe forms of the learning disability.
Lucy didn't received support from her school for dyslexia, but managed to study and survive so far.
James another dyslexic student, did receive support from his university, with accommodations such as testing, special glasses, and a tutor.

Uncovering Dyslexia Documentary

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