“Processing Speed” is a topic for testing that has some people surprised for reason involving dyslexia. These types of testing sometimes involve Coding or Symbol Searching on exams dealing with intelligence. It usually is the case that students dealing with dyslexia tend to score lower typically on these Processing Speed tests.
Although dyslexic students often score lower than typical students when it comes to processing speed, in real life and on decision making tasks, it is quite often found that students with dyslexia are much faster than peers at tasks involving problem solving and awareness of situations around them, such as in sports. This must be understood when deciding upon accommodations made in schools that will be appropriate for students.
Key Takeaways:
Understanding “processing speed difference” and Dyslexia.
Helps educators and parents recognize when a child may have a learning difficulty.
A student with Dyslexia may fall short in areas such as reading or mathematics but will excel in areas such as athletics.
Read the full article here:
“Is your child having difficulty with reading or other academics?” “Wondering if it’s dyslexia?” Use our free dyslexia test to get answers. Simply answer a few easy questions and find out now
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