This article is about engaging your child in family story time. This activity involves listening to audio books with your children and asking various questions about the story, such as how your child perceives the story should end or what the character is like etc. Using this story time technique will help your child’s comprehension, vocabulary, critical thinking and writing skills.
Listening to stories together is a fun way to pass the time, while bonding over a shared experience. What’s more, this activity also prompts family members to visualize what they are hearing—the key to strong comprehension.
The stories are progressive based on your child’s ability to decode information. By having the opportunity to listen to more advance audio books will expose your child to new vocabulary. Using audio books and family discussion helps your child form concept imagery which is more likely to engage their attention and keep their mind from wondering. It is also a fun family activity which brings the family together.
Key Takeaways:
When the weather keeps the kids in the house or even when it doesn’t, audio books and reading aloud are activities that are both entertaining and educational.
Many families mistakenly stop reading aloud soon after their child can read independently. However, this is when children are developing comprehension, which parents can foster by reading stories while asking thought-provoking questions.
If comprehension is poor, children may not understand what they’re reading. Parents can improve comprehension by helping children development concept imagery from the spoken language.
Read the full article here:
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