For many years, dyslexia has been thought to be a condition that only hinders people. And it certainly does cause roadblocks when it comes to reading or math, or generally excelling in school. However, it has recently come to light that dyslexic people actually have patterns of mind that are stronger than usual. According to the video below, dyslexics have a higher ability to work well in teams, and figure out difficult problems with creative solutions. 

This is because dyslexia allows them to see the big picture, while the rest of us see only a portion of it. Dyslexic minds are much stronger in forms of 3D spatial reasoning, telling stories, and simulating and predicting the future. Many of the greatest minds in the world have been dyslexic, in fact, including top tier architects and scientists. While being dyslexic is definitely a challenge, it goes to show that dyslexic people are still extremely bright and talented, especially in those areas.

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"Dyslexic Minds are Great Minds!"

Key Takeaways:

Dyslexic minds have strengths such as 3D spatial reasoning, seeing the big picture, telling stories, and simulating and predicting the future.
Strengths of dyslexic minds: they often have great ideas, can work well in teams, figure out difficult problems and discover creative solutions.
Some of the most amazing people in the world are dyslexic! Like architects, scientists, filmmakers, entrepreneurs.

What is Dyslexia? - Dyslexic Advantage One Minute Video

Mentioned in this post: 

“Is your child having difficulty with reading or other academics?” “Wondering if it’s dyslexia?” Use our free dyslexia test to get answers. Simply answer a few easy questions and find out now

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