Dyslexia is a common specific learning disorder that was once discounted as a middle-class myth. Fortunately, a push for social awareness has helped remove the negative stigma once associated with it and is increasing the public’s knowledge about dyslexia. Sharan Kuttappa breaks down dyslexia in a simple and easy to understand video.
Kuttappa explains that dyslexia is characterized by the person having difficulty combining the letters and reading them aloud. In his street style documentary, he mimics the difficulties dyslexics face and helps others better understand the difficulties a person with dyslexia face on a day to day basis. His methods are a little unconventional, but he brings awareness with smiles to the faces of his participants.
Key Takeaways:
Dyslexia is commonly misunderstood.
Reading and writing can be extra difficult for people with dyslexia.
People with dyslexia often have above average visual intelligence.
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