Reading is a skill that is essential to learn early in kindergarten through grade 3. After that time, reading itself is used for learning real-world subjects. In Michigan, a new law has been put in place for schools focused on primary grades. Children in the essential reading learning grades, K-3, will be tested three times a year for literacy.

The reading skills of Michigan’s youngest learners will be front and center in classrooms across the state this school year.

The tests are aimed at improving literacy reading rates in the early grades. This has become a focus for educators and those children who do not pass the exams satisfactorily will be held back at grade 3. Parents will be advised of the reading status through letters. Any parent of a child who has a deficiency in reading will be provided with lesson plans and work that should be used at home to help their child achieve passing grades.
A new law aimed at improving early literacy is going into effect, requiring that students in grades K-3 be formally tested in reading at least three times per-year, including once within the first 30 days of school – though many districts say they have already been doing so for some time.
~Michigan Live

Key Takeaways:

There’s a new law going into effect that requires that students in grades K-3 be formally tested in reading three times per year.
Students who are one grade level behind in reading by the end of their third-grade will be held back in 2019-2020.
Parents will be kept updated on how their child is doing and given material to help them improve.

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