Catching dyslexia early is important. Diagnosing and treating dyslexia in early childhood can prevent self-esteem issues and extensive delay in school. But is there a point when it's too early to identify? Could children who are too young simply be a bit behind in development, but are otherwise okay and don't require intervention? This video discusses the importance of early intervention and how it could affect your child.

Starting with a list of signs of dyslexia can help parents look at the whole child instead of, say, "He reverses his letters." The big question many parents may ask is: Do I want to put a label on my child that he/she will carry with for the rest of his/her life? On the other hand, the earlier a child is diagnosed, the sooner they can receive help. If you have these questions, this video may help you make a decision that could benefit your child in the years to come.

There are easy ways to drastically improve your reading ability by identifying just one "micro-skill.”
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The sooner you can identify the child with dyslexia the better you are able to help them before it hits their self-esteem.

Key Takeaways:

The earlier you help a dyslexic child the better the outcome.
Observe the other signs of dyslexia and not only the reversals of letters.
The speakers suggested that early evaluation can help a child. If it is just reversals of letter then it will just go away but if it is dyslexia the child already started the process of learning early on.

When Is It Too Early To Identify A Child With Dyslexia?

Mentioned in this post: 

“Is your child having difficulty with reading or other academics?” “Wondering if it’s dyslexia?” Use our free dyslexia test to get answers. Simply answer a few easy questions and find out now

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