Dyslexia is a condition in which a person with an otherwise average or high IQ has a tough time reading and writing due to their brain’s inability to interpret words and letters.
~Jesslyn Shields

Comic Sans is easy to read for people with dyslexia.

One place that Comic Sans has been surprisingly useful it is with people who have dyslexia. This is because the font is incredibly easy to read. Dyslexia is a condition where a person’s brain has trouble reading and writing words because letters get mixed up or changed into a different letter. However, Comic Sans and many other fonts have been known to provide relief for those with dyslexia.

Key Takeaways:

There are many different fonts and while some people cannot stand Comic Sans font, it may be helpful for those with dyslexia.
As much as one might hate this font, it is actually easy to read.
Despite that it might not be appropriate for all forms of communication, Comic Sans is one of the fonts that is among the few widely available fonts that make it easier to read and write for those with dyslexia.

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