This blog is in reference the high demand of screens for children to be looking at. They believe that the best strategy for limiting the amount of screens that kids look at, is too watch things with them and set boundaries for that time. Not a bad idea, to be honest.

There are more than 80,000 educational apps in Apple’s app store. It seems like a great way to encourage brain development and make your little one the smartest baby genius.

In the long run though it will be interesting to see how many parents take this advice, as it still allows for children to be in front of screens for an extended period of time, but also that they shouldn’t be able to see everything that they are seeing on the television screen.
There are more than 80,000 educational apps in Apple’s app store. It seems like a great way to encourage brain development and make your little one the smartest baby genius. But just sticking a tablet in your kid’s hands might not be as helpful.
~National Public Radio

Key Takeaways:

There are phone and tablet apps to make technology parent-friendly.
Children should be monitored when they go online, especially if talking to other people.
Apps should be used to learn more than for pleasure and there are ways to mix the two.

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