When it comes to dyslexia there are actually a lot of myths associated with it. One of these greatest myths associated with dyslexia as well as a neuromyth is that dyslexia is just solely about reading. The myth of dyslexia just being about reading is false. The Gabrieli lab as well as many others are taking the time to look into the differences between dyslexic and non-dyslexic children.
Dyslexic students not only read differently, they process sounds differently.
Knowing the science that goes behind the difference between dyslexic and non-dyslexic children can be a great help for people such as tutors or teachers to know what to do with these children. Recent research on the brain has shown us that dyslexic children actually hear and process sounds differently than non-dyslexic children.
Key Takeaways:
One of the greatest neuromyths about dyslexia is that it’s just about reading.
Recent brain research shows that dyslexic children hear or process sounds differently.
Instead of activating a left hemispheric area, dyslexic children activate the right temporoparietal cortex.
Read the full article here:
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