Dyslexia has been a challenge for schools all across the country. These dyslexic students find it hard to read at their own grade level. But they can take solace in the fact that Dyslexia may be overcome in time. These students will advance and continue to learn to read at improved skill levels.
Teachers have remained committed to helping anyone with Dyslexia overcome their limitations. The learning difference is widely studied and new teaching strategies are now being recommended. Dyslexia is taken seriously and students do have resources at their disposal as well. The community will rally around a student who is making strides in their reading ability.
Author “It actually does hurt when people make fun of you when you cannot pronounce a word, or you cannot spell something because your mind is seeing it in a different way, or saying it in a different way.”

Key Takeaways:

Get inspired by one blog post that wants to help students with Dyslexia over time. These dyslexic students might fall back in their grade without the right kind of teaching.
Dyslexia will prevent students from acquiring basic reading skills that they themselves need. Think through Dyslexia and how it might affect the lives of people everywhere.
Teachers and parents are willing to help young students who are faced with Dyslexia. They show progress and that gives people hope for the work that they will do in school.

You're Enough: Dyslexia

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