In the very early years at school, no one can really read or write, so it’s not as obvious that you have dyslexia until everyone else starts doing proper schoolwork.
~Matt Strawbridge

Matt, a student who has struggled with dyslexia, recalls some experience from his early years of school. In primary school he struggled with reading aloud exercises and felt sad that he disappointed his teacher by being unable to follow along. His dyslexia cause him stress and frustration. Despite his innate intelligence, Matt could not grasp basic reading concepts because the words appeared to dance around on the page. His mother and other adults made him feel at fault for his difficulty reading and did not fully understand his situation.

Exercise and volunteer work can ease dyslexia anxiety.

Key Takeaways:

Kids with dyslexia are very smart but often are not confident in being smart because of their learning obstacles.
One of the biggest hurdles in dealing with a dyslexic is their self-esteem because they feel inadequate
It is important to have other things that they are good in that can help build the self-esteem.

“Is your child having difficulty with reading or other academics?” “Wondering if it’s dyslexia?” Use our free dyslexia test to get answers. Simply answer a few easy questions and find out now

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