Students of today have a lot of things to worry about, and reading will always be one of them. One of the first things a kid learns in school is the alphabet and how to read it. This may come naturally to some, or be a burden on them for years. The English language has a lot to offer, and kids today need to learn a lot of it. It is now even more essential for children to get a solid core for reading.
Children evolve as readers and writers simultaneously.
There are many ways to perfect the art and craft of reading and writing. Most importantly among them is simply, practice, lots of practice. Writers who read a lot will become better at writing, and vice versa as well. A variety of different writing styles gives a reader insight on how better to combine words to flow. Similarly reading more improves vocabulary and reading speed, as well as comprehension in general.
Key Takeaways:
The more involved the reading assigned to a student, the better they achieve literacy.
Skilled readers are those that read nearly mindlessly and yet they do miss nuances.
Graphic representation of a text has a positive response with readers.
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