In Head Start, programs that offer more hours have lower quality than programs with fewer hours, according to key findings. Head Start is a federally funded program and helps over 900,000 children. Head Start teachers usually earn less than $30,000 a year. The percentages of eligible children that are in these programs vary widely from state to state.
This article seems to give information on the Head Start program and how well it performs in some states.
The funding Head Start programs need to do the job they’re asked to do, usually is far below what they need. Local providers have to make decisions about whether to serve more children or less, pay teachers more or less and offer more or fewer hours. This is the first time funding, services and quality state by state, has been studied.
Key Takeaways:
New national research has shown great variation from state to state, how well Head Start works.
Head Start serves more than 900,000 children.
The program needs more funding.
Read the full article here:
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