We are all unique in our own way and it takes kindness and gentleness of heart to assist those who are a little different than the “expected” norm. Giving a child who is born with a learning challenge an opportunity to shine in their most desired career field is really a learning opportunity for two parties and a joyous one at that.

Max has benefitted from friendships with firefighters at our local station who welcome him with genuine warmth, answer his questions and sit around with him in their living quarters and chat like he is just one of the guys.

The most difficult aspect for the parents of a child with a learning curve is for society and other people to see really see the human underneath. The child doesn’t want to be seen as different, he or she is just like you and me. They want to be accepted and loved and provided the same opportunities as anyone else, especially if they are physically qualified to complete the job.
As much as parents wish for legions of people out there who can see our children’s potential—and see our children, period, not just their disability—that’s not often the case. Try as we might, there is only so much we alone can do for our children. But then one person can open a door, as Matt Horn did for Jason Eagan.
~Love That Max

Key Takeaways:

“But in our bylaws,” Horn said, “it doesn’t say someone with Down syndrome can’t help us.”
Eagan passed the firefighter physical, signed the paperwork and joined as a cadet.
All our kids need is one kind person who can see past their disability and honor their dreams

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