A study concerning the prescription of anti-psychotics for non-psychotic diagnoses in children, both boys and girls ages 0-18, presents a few key findings that may suggest the direction of the future of anti-psychotic drug use. Author Paul Whiteley discusses his conclusions about this study, which was performed by Ragnar Nesvag and colleagues in Norway, and the implications behind the statistics presented in their research.
Drawing from the research data, Whiteley states that anti-psychotic prescriptions are not a current epidemic, as some may believe, but that children that are indeed prescribed anti-psychotics are frequently diagnosed with a non-psychotic mental disorder. These diagnoses commonly include hyperkinetic and autism spectrum disorder among males, and anxiety and depression among females. With this in mind, Whiteley concludes that the implication of the study is that anti-psychotic use is drifting away from treating solely those with psychosis.
Key Takeaways:
The most common mental disorders among males are hyperkinetic and autism spectrum.
Anxiety and depressive illness are most common among females.
Often there is a great overlap between various psychiatric and behavioral diagnoses.
Read the full article here:
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