Hard core fans of books, movies and TV shows have taken to writing fictional stories about their favorite characters. While this used to be a small community, it has exploded in popularity recent years. It is now easier than ever to write and share fan fiction thanks to the availability and accessibility of different digital platforms.

It would be useful. Students and Teachers looking to meet Common Core Standards, could use this item, and see if it helps the participants over time. Its another way to help accelerate learning.

Educators are starting to harness the power of fan fiction in the classroom. It is a fun and engaging way for students to practice the skills desired by the Common Core State Standards. The article gives a brief overview of the different ways in which fan fiction can be used in and out of the classroom to promote better reading and writing skills among students.
Writing fanfiction — creative works that fans write based on storylines and characters in existing books, movies, or other media — has moved from the fringes of fandom activity to having more mainstream visibility. Literacy teachers can connect their classrooms to these online communities to foster their students’ development as writers.
~International Literacy Association Daily

Key Takeaways:

Writing fanfiction is a great way to get a learner interested in composition.
Common Core requires the knowledge of knowing how to write a narrative and fanfiction offers that opportunity.
The students have the option to share their fanfiction online and with one another.

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