Only thirteen states have no legislation on their books involving dyslexia. Thirty-seven states have legislation on dyslexia, and the changing nature of dyslexia law suggests that more may be adding dyslexia laws. Even if your state has no state laws on dyslexia, federal law, including the Department of Education, recognizes dyslexia.

This article would be of value to someone interested in the subject of the neuroscience of learning because it discusses Dyslexia and which States have passed Dyslexia laws.

This article includes a map of all of the states that has dyslexia legislation on the state books. It also includes an alphabetical list of each state. This list states what legislation the state has passed, and the year in which the state passed that legislation. The list also notes which states have no legislation on their books.
Remember even if your state doesn’t have a Dyslexia law, federal law including the Department of Education formally recognizes Dyslexia and has stated that there is no reason it shouldn’t be included in special education documents like the IEP. PLEASE UPDATE US IF NEW LAWS ARE PASSED!
~Fernette Eide

Key Takeaways:

13 states do not have dyslexia laws.
2017 is showing improvement on legislature that protects learners and employees with dyslexia.
Groups of advocates are who rally and strive towards better protections for those with dyslexia or being diagnosed.

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