Facebook is arguably more harmful to people and society than heroin. While some people may not have a problem with it and can use it casually, vulnerable people sometimes suffer significant harm through using it. Like illegal drugs, some people can take it or leave it, while others become highly addicted. The legality of Facebook is problematic in that there is no control over whether people use it.

It definitely alters people’s behaviour. I have a few friends who I’ve seen a complete transformation in their personality following Facebook addiction.

Facebook in some cases harms relationships, for example when people hook up with previous partners, or when arguments arise over trivial matters. Some people treat others horribly on the site. There also tends to be over sharing of personal information. Unfortunately the company does nothing to control the negative effects of their platform.
Sadly many vulnerable people see Facebook as the windows to the world, as with everything else; there are predators out there that see Facebook as a useful tool.
~Roger Tichborne

Key Takeaways:

Checking Facebook constantly can be considered an addiction if it affects someone when they cannot check.
The issue with breaking the Facebook addiction is that it is legal and easily gotten.
Reading Facebook constantly changes someone’s behavior overall but so does trying to quit.

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