Many individuals are frustrated because they are not able to view content on the web. Even minor disability prohibits easy access to news, information, entertainment, social media and other valuable information because of barriers. A solution has been developed to now provide easy access to the information to everyone with a disability.
Apple has offered free accessibility tools with their personal computing devices for some time, but with each new operating system upgrade comes with improvements and changes.
Individuals with visual impairments now have access to cutting edge technology that allows them to fully engage with content across the web. Apple, leading pioneer in the technology industry, has always, provided free software. However when operation systems are upgrade the tools could become useless. Speech a text to speech technology on Mac OS is now offered.
Key Takeaways:
Speech is a new text-to-speech feature on macOS that lets users translates written text into audible words.
The feature can be activated under the settings>accessibility>speech settings.
The feature can help dyslexics edit documents while helping them focus on comprehension.
Read the full article here:
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