Author Sally Alatalo has broken down romance, so-to-speak. She has published a new romance novel, “Legendary, Lexical, Loquacious Love”, which is simply an alphabetized listing of the words from an older romance novel. While more of a post-modern art piece than a fascinating read, the new version creates a puzzle for the reader, and actually leaves more clues than one would expect!

The writer Sally Alatalo has a way of reading romance novels: dividing the novel into its component words, grouping the total instances of every word together, and arranging them in alphabetical order.

Some plot elements that reveal themselves: he main characters are easy to pick out, as their names appear many times over. And the essential elements of love reveal themselves: words of togetherness and intimacy occur much more frequently than words of separation or triviality. Perhaps this raw, context-free version of the novel is a better expression of real love: not a plot with twists and turns, but rather an overwhelming common thread.
But the writer Sally Alatalo has a way of reading them that is equally good as any of these: dividing the novel into its component words, grouping the total instances of every word together, and arranging them in alphabetical order.
~Elyse Graham

Key Takeaways:

A new way of reading includes dividing the novel into its component words, grouping the total instances of every word together, and arranging them in alphabetical order.
The reader finds half a page of eyes; almost half a page each for face, voice, and hair; and a quarter of a page for breasts.
More information: no has half a page; never half a page; not two pages; and yes just a quarter of a page.

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