English Language Learners struggle with both language and cultural differences when learning to read, speak, and write in English. Often, the fact that many characters in novels don’t look like them or their families is often a turn-off to their literacy development. Research has shown that ELL students are more proficient when they are exposed to culturally relevant books.
One book that is recommended for ELL learners include “The Name Jar,” which explores the cultural heritage behind name choices in both American and Korean cultures. Another highly recommended book to expose your ELL students to would be “Jalapeno Bagels,” which tells the story of a boy named Pablo who has parents of both Mexican and Jewish heritage.
Key Takeaways:
Many students who speak English as a second language struggle with reading comprehension.
Books that tie into the students’ culture can make reading exciting and educational for the student.
Books such as The Name Jar and Chocolate Milk, Por Favor are about children of different cultures and may help with ELL students.
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