Everyone can agree that learning to read is a key step in a child’s education. What everyone can’t agree on, however, is what method of teaching children to read is best, especially in our digital era. In fact, some even argue that our definition of “reading” is skewed, and should include teaching children how to read on new platforms, and not just printed books.

The article points out the importance of reading digitally and how it will help improve reading skills at a young age.

With different schools having access to different amounts of technology, some children are being taught to read in very different ways than their less privileged peers. There are pros and cons to the old fashioned way of teaching literacy, and to using more modern methods. Both techniques must be analyzed so that the best way of teaching children to read in modern times can be determined.
Exposing students to both print and digital reading early on in school is a way of reflecting what authentic reading looks like, many said. But unfortunately, experts said, the transition to that way of instruction has been slow going in many places.
~Education Week

Key Takeaways:

These days, there are many new avenues to read beyond a traditional book.
Teachers should expose students to multimedia reading platforms because it is better training for the real world.
When we think of reading in class, we often still think of reading in print.

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