Writing in the classroom can be a daunting task for many students. Some just don’t know where to find the inspiration to start the paper. If the topic is not exciting for the student they may struggle to write anything meaningful, and their grade will suffer. Writing has almost become an antiquated idea to many students.

In the last few years there has been more focus on writing in classrooms and on tests, but many students still have difficulty expressing their ideas on paper.

In an effort to increase interest in writing, some educators have modified assignments by allowing students to write about something that interests them or have provided an authentic audience for the student. These are only short term solutions and do nothing to improve the writing skills of their students. Writing and using your imaginations is the cornerstone of a good education.
Often students struggle to begin writing, so some teachers have shifted assignments to allow students to write about something they care about, or to provide an authentic audience for written work.
~KQED Mindshift

Key Takeaways:

Despite more focus on writing in the classroom, many students still struggle with getting their ideas on paper.
Some teachers have dealt with these struggles by shifting assignments so that students write about what they care about, which can help but may not be enough to improve the quality of writing.
Practice is important for improving writing, but teachers must ensure that students are practicing good habits.

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