Evidenced by the number of hits phrases such as ‘meditation literally changes your brain’ receive, people are fascinated by these phrases even when they are illogical and unrelated to any supporting scientific data. As Hopkins points out, such headlines are illogical and often irrelevant to the actual scientific findings; it is amazing that these phrases get any attention at all given people’s episodic memories, unless a strong form of dualism exists.
This article points out studies which show that people are more satisfied with articles that contain neuroscience language even if it has no relevance to the topic.
According to a study by Hopkins, Weisberg, and Taylor in Cognition 2016, people feel much more satisfied with explanations of psychological phenomena when the explanations contain neuroscience information within them. Interestingly, the information can be irrelevant to the logic of the explanations themselves. This is called a seductive allure effect.
Key Takeaways:
Research has shown that people have a general preference for reductive information that is, employing an analysis of a complex subject into a simplified, less detailed form.
People feel significantly more satisfied with explanations that use reductive information even when the information is entirely irrelevant to the logic of the explanation.
It was observed that the phrase “literally changes your brain” has some allure, even though any event or episodic memory will to some degree change your brain.
Read the full article here:
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