Dyslexia is a neurological disorder that makes it difficult for people to read or spell words accurately. It can cause kids problems from around the 3rd grade and on. There are a few different methods that can help kids with Dyslexia.
Dyslexia can cause significant academic problems because, especially after 3rd grade, teachers expect students to be independent readers. Strategies that help students comprehend and remember what they read can be helpful.
It helps to break down things into subsections such as questions, notes, and a summary. This is usually best for the children that are far enough along that they can write legibly enough to read and had well enough spelling to know what they wrote.
Key Takeaways:
Dyslexia causes major learning issues, especially after third grade.
Yale University has released a way for students with dyslexia to note-take to increase their literacy.
Note should be divided into three parts: notes, questions, and summary.
Read the full article here:
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