Mentoring is making a comeback as a form of learning information and skills quickly, according. Its impact could be quite difficult to understand in the long-term. The search for patterns in this method of learning is still being studied by psychologists and community activists. Though it has its promises, programs and teacher urge more formal studies.

Yes this article is relevant to post on your site. It goes into detail about mentoring, while it can be beneficial there is no way to measure how it is beneficial. This article goes into detail how modern technology changes what mentoring is and what it entails.

Activists hope to encourage mentoring as a way of both learning and teaching. They view it as a challenge that will benefit both parties in the long term. With the advent of social media and the increased use of the internet, it has become more possible than ever before to perform mentoring duties.
Mentoring, research shows, can help people academically, emotionally, and socially; it can steer them clear of trouble and toward college, career, and a better life. But the true impact of mentoring may be difficult to ascertain in the long-term, complex fabric of life.
~The Atlantic

Key Takeaways:

Psychologists are searching for patterns to show how mentoring succeeds and why it sometimes fails.
Mentoring can help people academically, emotionally, and socially.
Mentoring can be difficult to grasp in the long-term, complex fabric of life.

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