Recently, Scholastic’s sixth edition of its Kids & Family Reading Report has been released. This biannual report surveys kids ages 6-17 and their parents regarding their behaviors and attitudes around reading. Some key findings of the report reflect parents’ opinions about summer reading habits, diversity in children’s’ literature, and what parents and their children look for in kids’ books.

Key findings from the report reveal parents’ views about diversity in children’s literature and about summer reading, what parents and children look for in children’s books, a marked increase in the practice of parents reading aloud to young — and very young — children, the challenges of inequitable access to children’s books in the home, and which books parents’ and kids’ favorites.

For the very first time, the Kids & Family Reading Report includes a focus on sub-group data around African-American and Hispanic families. This year, there is a significant increase in parents’ reports of reading aloud to their young and very young children. In fact, 77% of parents with kids ages 0-5 report they started reading aloud to their child before age one, and 40% said they began when their child was younger than three months old. This is a 30% increase from 2014.
Key findings from the report reveal parents’ views about diversity in children’s literature and about summer reading, what parents and children look for in children’s books, a marked increase in the practice of parents reading aloud to young — and very young — children, the challenges of inequitable access to children’s books in the home, and which books parents’ and kids’ favorites.
~Publishers Weekly

Key Takeaways:

Studies show that parents approve of summer reading and diversity in literature.
The study included for the first time, African-American and Hispanic parents and learners.
Seventy-seven percent of parent-reported they read to their children from the ages of 0-5.

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