New York leaders have stepped up in making sure that education is getting the attention it needs. Most specifically the changes they made with regards to using the Common Core Standards. They have approved a new set of reading and math which would veer away from the Common Core Standards.

Educators are still parsing out precisely what some of the changes will mean for day-to-day instruction.

The New York State Next Generation Learning Standards has the early learning introduction pushes for a play-based approach to implementation. It also combined two of its English art standards. Read more about the article on the other important changes New York has made for the Common Core.

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New York Has Replaced the Common Core. Here's What You Need To Know.

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Education Week
New York leaders have approved a new set of reading and math expectations for students, moving the state a step away from the Common Core State Standards, which are still in use in some 36 states.
~Education Week

Key Takeaways:

Some states including New York have made modest additions, deletions, and changes to the Common Core.
As time goes on the common core will become less common.
A lot of the content in the common core remains in New York State’s Next Generation Learning Standards.

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