Night terrors are issues that children between the ages of three and eight can sometimes experience which parents can find quite troubling. Night terrors are different than regular nightmares and can be distinguished from regular nightmares by parents.

Night terrors can negatively affect a child’s ability to learn because they may not be well rested after having one. Key point: Scheduled awakenings may help train a child to wake up just before the night terror would generally occur.

Night terrors can be dealt with by using a few methods to make the environment safe and make the child feel more comfortable. Oftentimes, night terrors will go away on their own after the age of eight but there are times that a specialist should be consulted if your child is having night terrors.
Sleeping disorders are typically more common in adults than children, and it seems adults would have the kind of concerns that could alter their sleep (money, work, family, etc. stress). But the truth is that children also have sleeping issues, like insomnia in children, nightmares, night terrors, sleepwalking, etc.
~Cepee Tabibian

Key Takeaways:

Sleeping problems are more prevalent in adults, but children can also struggle with sleep disorders.
Night terrors involve a form of sleep walking.
Nightmares are more like a normal dream.

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