Looking for something different, something to feed your mind, or the mind of an inquisitive young scholar? Consider nonfiction graphic novels. Often superbly illustrated, these unusual tomes are not necessarily meant to be unassailable repositories of fact. Yet, they have a non-fiction element that will definitely feed hungry brains, yearning for stories with an element of realism.

Nonfiction graphic novels help kids learn about a variety of topics in a fun & entertaining way.

Such fiction has the positive value of entertainment. Yet, because it also has elements of realism, it inspires young minds to further flights of knowledge, encouraging further research and mental growth. Odd, these books may be, and not necessarily listed among the classic works of literature. But, they are worth checking out!
The first thing you have to remember when looking for great nonfiction graphic works is that there’s always going to be an element of fiction. Very few of these titles will work as research sources, but they do inform, educate, and entertain readers, introducing them to narrative nonfiction at its finest and inspiring them to further research and reading.
~School Library Journal

Key Takeaways:

Having graphics often helps children retain the history lesson as well as improve literacy.
Children are more apt to pay attention if there is enough fiction in there to hold their span.
Using nonfiction also gives students a new respect for literature as well as history.

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