New York City has expanded its prekindergarten program to accommodate 70,000 children, which is a substantial increase from the previous capacity of 20,000 between 2013 and 2014. Proponents of expanding the program feel that children will benefit from the extra options for early childhood education. Efforts have also been made to assist parents in picking a program for their child, and to better educate the public as to what programs are available to their children.
New York implemented a public outreach tool titled the “Quality Snapshot,” which highlights the benefits of each of New York’s 1,800 prekindergarten programs. Officials state that the benefits of prekindergarten programs are evident in the statistics. Intensive research data was collected within the prekindergarten program demonstrates the structural support, emotional support, and academic support that early childhood education can provide for today’s children.
New York City has quickly expanded its prekindergarten program from 20,000 seats in 2013-14 to roughly 70,000 today—enough full-day spaces for all 4-year-olds in the city whose parents wish to enroll them.
~Education Week

Key Takeaways:

New York City has expanded preschools and access to them.
New York City also uses a ‘quality snapshot’ to keep everyone abreast of the best schools.
The options for preschools are dizzying, so the ‘quality snapshot’ is used to keep parents from feeling overwhelmed.

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