Studies on the correlation between transparent languages and literacy rates among learners have revealed interesting findings. English is considered a transparent language and therefore considered easier to learn. This learning curve seems to be correlated with pronunciation and written forms being similar.
“Discusses English as an opaque language and difficulties learning English vs. transparent languages.”
Many people, however, question these findings and their validity due to increasing number or illiterate populations. They argue that certain predisposed learning difficulties, cognitive deficits and other individually determined factors need to be better studied and addressed before true assessment made in language development and learning. Such information would include what causes deficits or learning differences, to begin with, and how can they be corrected or adjusted?
Key Takeaways:
There are a handful of languages that deserve a second look by those interested. Transparent languages are a perfect representation of the study involved in them.
These transparent languages are often easy to read, including Italian and Finnish languages. But opaque languages are known by their difficult nature to learn overall.
These opaque languages may be harder to acquire for those who make an attempt. Academics want to know the core differences between both opaque languages and transparent languages.
Read the full article here:
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